
Jan 20, 2020
You Could Retire, But Should You?
Some people retire at first opportunity, only to wish they had waited longer. Your financial strategy likely considers normal financial ups

Jan 18, 2020
Are Gen Xers Planning for Retirement the Right Way?
Generation X has become the new "sandwich" generation. Many Americans born during the years 1965-80 are finding themselves caring for aging

Jan 15, 2020
Protecting yourself from potential calamity.
Cybercrime affects both large corporations and private individuals. You've likely read about the large data breaches in the business world.

Jan 14, 2020
Are you prepared for the possibility – and expense – of eldercare?
Do you have an extra $33,000 to $100,000 to spare this year? How about next year, and the year after that? Your answer to these questions is

Jan 9, 2020
An Estate Strategy for Your Digital Assets
Your digital assets should not disappear into a void when you die. Nor should they be stolen by thieves. You can direct that they be transfe

Jan 7, 2020
6 Social Security Traps to Avoid
On January 31, 1940, the first monthly Social Security check was issued to Ida May Fuller of Ludlow, Vermont. She received a check for $22.5

Jan 6, 2020
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act is now law. With it, comes some of the biggest changes to retirement

Jan 2, 2020
The Major Retirement Planning Mistakes
Much is out there about the classic financial mistakes that plague start-ups, family businesses, corporations, and charities. Aside from the

Dec 30, 2019
Debunking Common Retirement Assumptions
Financial generalizations are as old as time. Some have been around for decades, while others have only recently joined their ranks. Let's e